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Charting a Course for Our Future

The Town of Caledonia Community Enrichment Committee (CEC) is a group of volunteers who are working to enrich the community where we live and call home. The CEC is organized under the authority of the Caledonia Town Board to plan, evaluate, prioritize, and recommend improvement projects for the enrichment of the community and to ultimately discuss and recommend appropriate funding for approved capital projects, which may include donations from the general public, secure grants, and recommendations to the town board for budgeting requests.

Committee members are community volunteers with an interest in promoting the planned ongoing enrichment, growth, and well-being of the Town of Caledonia. We also make a point to invite representatives from groups that may be impacted by the decisions that are made, such as the Readfield School, MDR Lions Club, 4-H, Community Club, Planning Commission, etc. The CEC is working to prioritize and implement projects from the Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan.

CORP Plan – Adopted 2022-2026 with maps 7-18-22

2017 Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan

Current Plans

  1. Creating a perimeter walking trail around the park and Readfield Elementary School - completed 2020
  2. Add adult fitness equipment to the park - will be added to Gruetzmacher Park
  3. Expand the playground equipment at Readfield Park - completed 2023
  4. Construct a storage building - completed 2020
  5. Improve landscaping for the entire park - started 2022 and will continue
  6. Resurface and stripe the Caledonia Community Center parking lot - completed 2020
  7. Develop and utilize a marketing plan for the Town of Caledonia to attract businesses and residents


Donations towards CEC projects are appreciated.

Complete the Donation-Memorial-Form and follow the mailing instructions.

If you have questions, input, or would like to attend a meeting:


Bill Abba

Phone: (920) 667-4953
Email: [email protected]

Any CEC members who are also on the Town Board are serving on the CEC as community volunteers. Although there may be a quorum of the town board in attendance, the focus of the meeting is for discussion purposes and no formal town board action shall be taken.