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(required before obtaining a Building Permit)

Contact Waupaca County Zoning Office at (715) 258-6255

Before doing any home improvement project, contact building inspector Lee Robbert.

Call Lee Robbert at (920) 850-2686 or (920) 836-3681

Email at [email protected]

Contact the Planning Commission Chairperson using current Contact Information

Land Division Application - For most land divisions, only the first page needs to be filled out.

The application fee for a land division is $100 plus $10 for each lot created.

Complete the Caledonia Dog License Application and submit completed application, current rabies vaccination certificate, and appropriate fee to the town treasurer at PO Box 190, Readfield WI 54969 or put it in the drop box on the front door of the community center building.

Fee: $5 for spayed/neutered dogs or $10 for non-spayed/neutered dogs. A current rabies vaccination certificate must also be submitted.

Kennel licenses ($60) are needed if you have 4 or more dogs.

Call (920) 667-4773 for more information.

The application can be found here: Caledonia Dog License Application

Use the event calendar at to determine the availability of your date. Review the rental rules and cost of facilities to determine what options you need for your event. Print, fill out, and return the Rental Agreement with required fees to the Town of Caledonia. Your reservation is confirmed once the town website calendar is updated with your rental information.

Rental Agreement can be found here: Rental Agreement

Caledonia's donation and memorial program allows groups and individuals to donate funds to commemorate special events, honor individuals, and memorialize loved ones. The program is designed to benefit the Town of Caledonia Park System's ability to enhance the community.

Donations and memorial funds will be used for general park improvement projects unless specifically designated by the donor for special projects or activities.

Make a donation or create a memorial

Complete this Donation Memorial Form and return it along with a check payable to Town of Caledonia.

Forms can be deposited in the dropbox outside of the Community Center or mailed to PO Box 190, Readfield WI 54969.

Donation and Memorial form can be found here: Donation Memorial Form


Return the completed application form along with the applicable fee to the clerk. You can mail the completed forms to PO Box 190, Readfield WI 54969 or deliver to the locked dropbox outside of the community center.

Operator's/Bartender's License Application

Liquor License Application

Minimum 18" culvert with sidewalls is required.

Call Vance Knuth at (920) 205-9696 for permit.

Return the completed Fireworks Permit Application along with the application processing fee to the Town Clerk a minimum of 5 days before the Town Board meeting.

Call (920) 667-4773 with any questions.

Permits are issued through the Wisconsin DNR. Click here for more information